From October 23 to 27, 2023, an international delegation includes delegates from HelpAge International in Myanmar, the Burmese Federation of Elderly People, and the United Nations Project Services Office in Myanmar (UNOPS), the United Nations Population Fund in Myanmar (UNFPA) and HelpAge International (global office) came for a visit in Vietnam.
The purpose of the delegation’s trip is to learn about the benefits of the Intergenerational Self-Help Club (ISHC) model, the roles of relevant parties, the future orientation of the model, and the experience in implementing, managing and replicating the model from the Association of the Elderly (AE) of Thanh Hoa province and the Vietnam Association of the Elderly (VAE).
During the trip, on the afternoon of October 24, the delegation visited the ISHC of Ly Nhan village, Yen Phong commune, Yen Dinh district, Thanh Hoa province – a model club that was established in 2021 within the framework of Project VIE 071 “Reducing Income- and Health-Related Vulnerability of Older Persons in Vietnam”. Here, international delegates attended monthly activities and learn about the Club’s practical activities, meet and learn from the experience of the Club Management Board, the local AE and other related parties. Welcoming the delegation along with the Club were the AE at all levels, Chairman of the Commune People’s Committee, and Chairman of the Fatherland Front of Yen Phong commune.
This is the first time I come to Vietnam and I’ve come to realized that Myanmar and Vietnam have many similarities in people and culture… This is a very valuable opportunity for us to come to Thanh Hoa province to learn about the experience of ISHC model as well as how to promote the role of older people in the current context of population aging.
Mr. Saw Baw Mu Doe, deputy chairman of the Myanmar Federation of Older Persons, spoke during the visit
On the morning of October 25, the delegation had a discussion with the Thanh Hoa Provincial AE to better understand the current situation of older people in the province, as well as the role and activities of the AE. At this meeting, delegates heard about the practical benefits of the ISHC model for the community, about the difficulties and challenges, as well as the lessons learned by the AE to become the leading province in the country in replicating the model – with more than 1,000 clubs established and in operation. Here, members of the Myanmar delegation raised some questions for the Thanh Hoa AE to learn more on how to establish, operate and manage the club, and how to get the model recognized by the government as a national development model to be replicated across the country. Mr. Nguyen Duc Thang, Chairman of Thanh Hoa Provincial AE, shared: “The advice here is that we are determined to do it. Once you are recognized by the government, there will be support for development.”
On the same day, on the afternoon of October 25, the delegation returned to Hanoi and had a meeting with the leadership of the VAE to be informed about the structure and role of the VAE in task of caring for, protecting and promoting the role of older people in Vietnam. Welcoming the delegation were Dr. Pham Van Hung, Vice Chairman of the VAE and Ms. Nguyen Thi Tu, Head of the Foreign Affairs Deparment. Delegates heard reports on the results of the ISHCs’ activities, learnt about the Government’s policies as well as the VAE’s plans in replicating the ISHC model nationwide. Mr. Hung shared that for the ISHC to operate well, it is necessary to invest in training, technical support and 1) the effectiveness of the model must be proven to the government, 2) the work to promote and communicate about the model is very important and 3) the AE needs to proactively advocate for policies.
On October 26, the delegation visited the ISHC in Thuy Ung street, Phung Town, Dan Phuong District, Hanoi to learn experience in implementing the model in urban environment. Welcoming the delegation, aside from the Club, were representatives of local AE, Chairmen of the Fatherland Front Committees of the district and the town, Chairwoman of the Town’s Women’s Union, commune authorities and neighborhood leaders. Here, the delegation enjoyed cultural performances performed by the club’s entertainment/recreation team, and heard reports on the results of Thuy Ung ISHC’s activities from its inception to the present. The delegates’ questions related to the establishment, implementation and management of the club were answered. On the club’s side, Ms. Doan Thi Diem, Chairwoman of the ISHC, had a question to the visitors about their experience in resource mobilization and received very practical sharing from the Myanmar representatives. After leaving Thuy Ung Club, the delegation had a working session with the staff of HelpAge International to summarize the experiences gained as well as clarify some points observed during the visit. At this meeting, Mr. Tran Ngoc Quyen, Older Persons Association advisor of the HelpAge global team, proposed to help Myanmar’s older people in analyzing and devising a strategy to develop the ISHC model in their country.
The delegation concluded their visit in Vietnam and returned to Myanmar on October 27.
Hopefully, with practical experiences shared from the field visits and meetings in Vietnam, the international delegation will draw valuable lessons about the ISHC model as well as as for the work regarding older people in general, so that it can be applied in Myanmar and other countries in the region, contributing to bringing benefits to older people in communities around the world./.