Field visit and technical support from the Asian Development Bank in Vietnam

From 29 to 31 July 2024, experts from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Ministry of Health had a field visit and technical support in Vinh Loc district, Thanh Hoa province, one of two project sites under TA9928 “Developing Innovative Community-based LTC Systems and Services”. In this monitoring visit, ADB and HelpAge International in Vietnam (HAI) invited representatives from the Departments and Bureaus of the Ministry of Health (including the Department of Health Insurance; Department of Planning and Finance; Department of Medical Service Administration; Health Strategy and Policy Institute), the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs (Department of Social Protection), Vietnam Social Security, Vietnam Association of the Elderly, Department of Health and Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs of Thanh Hoa province.

Delegation visited older people enrolled in the Case management system of the Project

The delegation visited four older people who enrolled in the Case management system of the TA9928. They are all older people in difficult circumstances, weak, and dependent on caregivers; the delegation also attended the village case management meeting in Bai Xuan village, Vinh Phuc commune; attended the meeting of the Community Care Coordinating Committee (CCC) in Vinh Phuc commune; met and worked with Vinh Tien Commune CCC; visited the Health Stations in Vinh Phuc and Vinh Tien communes; met and worked with the Vinh Loc District Community Care Coordinating Committee.

While visiting older people and attending village, commune, and district meetings, ADB experts and national and provincial representatives had fruitful discussions with the commune and district levels on the lessons learned and directions for maintaining the pilot model after the TA9928 ended. After one year of implementation, ADB, national, and provincial representatives highly appreciated the activities of the TA9928 in the Vinh Loc district. The activities have been strengthened with high quality. Especially the participation, coordination, and commitment from local authorities from the village, commune to district levels under the support and direction of the Thanh Hoa Provincial Association of the Elderly.

Meeting with the Community Care Coordinating Committee of Vinh Loc District

The highlight in Vinh Loc district, Thanh Hoa province is the participation of the health sector, the monthly check-ups and consultations not only help older people feel cared for but also help detect health and clinical problems timely and provide treatment advice and behavioral changes if needed. Representatives of national and provincial levels all showed their interest in the community-based long-term care model. In the context of rapid aging, Vietnam needs a low-cost, locally appropriate model to adapt to population aging.

In addition, experts also gave suggestions to help the Case management system become more comprehensive, and the activities in the TA9928 are deeper in clinical aspects of providing care for older people based on practical experiences from other countries. HelpAge International in Vietnam together with national ADB consultants acknowledged contributions and support from ADB so that Vietnam can learn more international valuable experiences from other countries to help the piloted case management system in Vietnam is increasingly perfect and suitable for the local context so that it can be standardized and replicated in the future.

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